Jobs & News

Eine Anstellung bei Spielhofer? Das neuste aus der Welt von Tête de Moine und Co? Hier erfahren Sie alles, was Sie wissen müssen.


Spielhofer beschäftig saisonbedingt eine stark variierende Zahl von Mitarbeitenden. Schreiben Sie uns, wenn Sie sich für einen temporären Einsatz interessieren.

Offene Stellen in der Festanstellung finden Sie hier:

Job Pensum Arbeitsort
Verkäufer/in 60-80 % Biel, BE Download
Technologue du lait ou aide fromager (ère) 100 % St-Imier, BE Download
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Fromages Spielhofer wins the Prix SVC Suisse romande 2024!


We are thrilled to announce that Fromages Spielhofer has been named the winner of the prestigious SVC Suisse romande Award 2024!

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We are finalists for the SVC Prix Suisse romande 2024!

We are delighted to announce that we are one of the finalists for the prestigious SVC Prize Western Switzerland 2024!

3 Fromagerie Spielhofer Milchkanne Laden Kerzers G770157

In new splendor: Opening of the Fine Food Shop in Kerzers

In our Fine Food Shop we offer for sale a wide range of specialties from local producers.

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The Milchkanne cheese dairy becomes part of the Spielhofer family

The popular Milchkanne AG cheese dairy in Kerzers has been owned by Fromages Spielhofer SA since February 2023.

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Welcome to Sonvilier

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We offer a wide range of specialities from local producers for sale at our Fine Food Shop.

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Spielhofer at the FoodExpo in Kazakhstan

FoodExpo Qazaqstan, formerly Worldfood Kazakhstan, is one of the leading Asian food exhibitions with international participation. This is where companies from all over the world present the latest trends, products and technologies in food production and marketing.


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