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Fromages Spielhofer wins the Prix SVC Suisse romande 2024

We are thrilled to announce that Fromages Spielhofer has been named the winner of the prestigious Prix SVC Suisse romande 2024!

A heartfelt thank you to our dedicated team, our hardworking dairy farmers, loyal customers, and partners. This achievement would not have been possible without your incredible support. We are proud to contribute to the growth and visibility of our regional economy through this accolade.

We also extend our gratitude to the SVC organizers, sponsors, and our fellow finalists – Codec SA, Jean Singer & Cie SA, Gotec SA, and Medistri SA. It was an honor to be nominated alongside such innovative companies.

Looking ahead, we will continue to honor our cheese-making traditions while embracing new innovations: from our latest cheese, L’Horloger, to our Tête de Moine, and our CO2-neutral cheese production facility in Sonvilier. We are committed to a future of sustainable and responsible production.

Thank you to everyone who supported us – we look forward to delighting you with the finest cheese products from Switzerland in the future.

Go to the Prix SVC Suisse romande 2024

DE: Der Gewinner des Prix SVC Suisse romande, Florian & Cedric Spielhofer, Proprietaires, Fromages Spielhofer SA, freut sich ueber den ersten Preis waehrend der Preisverleihung am Dienstag, 12. November 2024, im SwissTech Convention Center in Ecublens. Der Swiss Venture Club zeichnet mit dem Prix SVC innovative Unternehmen aus, die durch herausragende Leistungen einen wesentlichen und nachhaltigen wirtschaftlichen Erfolg verzeichnen. Der Prix SVC Suisse Romande wurde in diesem Jahr zum elften Mal verliehen. (SVC/Keystone/Manuel Lopez)

FR: Le laureat du Prix SVC Suisse romande, Florian & Cedric Spielhofer, Proprietaires, Fromages Spielhofer SA, a le plaisir de recevoir le premier prix lors de la ceremonie de remise des prix le jeudi 12 novembre 2024, au SwissTech Convention Center a Ecublens. Le Swiss Venture Club decerne le Prix SVC aux entreprises innovantes qui ont obtenu un succes economique important et durable grace a des performances exceptionnelles. Le Prix SVC Suisse romande a ete decerne pour la 11ieme fois cette annee. (SVC/Keystone/Manuel Lopez)